Who am I?

Why, hellooooo there! However you’ve found yourself here, welcome!

I'm Lucy, wife to a wonderfully big hearted, patient, generous, and hilarious electrical engineer, newly mama of 3 (if you’re reading this 2023, I’ll just be coming back from my own maternity leave), an East-Coast transplant and New Yorker at heart, self-proclaimed iron chef, SYSK podcast binge-listener, and crazy plant lady. You will most likely find me in the kitchen cooking for those I love. Otherwise, I might be tending to our indoor jungle, headed to a hip-hop class, browsing the aisles at Trader Joe's, or entertaining in my backyard. I think the best way to get to know someone is at the dinner table, over a home-cooked meal or takeout, with glasses of red wine or a chilled bottle of sake - makes no difference!


The House of Wang began as a cubicle-confined dream back in 2014. Leaving a Big Four Accounting firm was one of the scariest and most difficult decisions I made in my adult years and certainly one made with a most comprehensive analysis. The decision to open my own photography studio had become a most rewarding decision and one that has brought me painful challenges and endless delight. The last few years since Covid has been the most challenging of all as we struggled to keep our doors open. Never have I felt more grateful to God, my husband, and the little humans we are raising in the midst of this. I’m also thankful for you - for considering our studio to document life’s milestones big and small. I’m thankful to the clients who come back year after year allowing me to witness your growing family and capturing your crazy chaos. For all the clients I've yet to meet, I'm beyond excited and can't wait to connect! My goal is to help you tell a story, one celebrating life and family and love.
